Thursday, November 02, 2006

Trying all the meals

We like food. Anyone who knows us knows this and we have come across some interesting dishes over the last three months.
Might just describe a few:
Salo: Ukrainian pig lard with spices. Slice and serve on bread. Really tasty with beer.
Borsch: Ukrainian beetroot soup, not bad.
Tochitura: Romanian stew served with polenta, cheese and a fried egg. Contains all sorts of meat but the sausage in it gives flavour. Adam got hooked on his first one but the many he tried following could never reach those heights again.
Ciorba du Burta: Romanian cow stomach sour soup, really, really good. Kinda like calamari. It is normal to receive a small plate of chillies with any soup to munch on, burn your mouth and then drink your soup with a real sense of need.
Practically all Bulgarian food: The salads covered in grated feta, the grilled meats, the one pot casserole type things, baked feta dishes, the stuffed vegetables, the thick creamy yoghurt with jam or honey, the feta, the wine,the feta, the feta.

Breakfast has been an interesting experience. Sometimes we didn't know if we should be grateful for it being provided or not. Ukraine won the strange breakfast vote with chicken casserole, franks and spaghetti, eggs and peas and the relatively normal pancakes all being offered while we were there, we are sure vodka would readily be available for breakfast if requested.

Pizza was a staple food in Romania for all Romanians. There historical ties with Italy are taken seriously in the restaurant business and every town had a pizza bar. Even if you couldn't find a shop for bread or water you would find a pizza place. Boy were we sick of pizza by the time we got to Bucharest but it was often a case of pizza or starve. Seeing that Pizza Hut is a top notch affair in Bucharest only highlighted the importance of this food here. The awful truth is the pizza wasn't that flash anywhere we went and it is customary to douse your pizza in ketchup, mayonnaise or any other condiment at hand.

Have we mentioned we enjoy Bulgarian cooking? And the feta?

We are sure there is more we could mention but after so long and so much food it is hard to remember. Too much vodka, wine, beer and palinka to go with the food maybe?


At 10:27 AM, Blogger Rachel said...

cow stomach soup? What about lasagne or a hot dog?

At 11:53 PM, Blogger PeaDog said...

What a cullinary experience! Good luck in London guys - you'll have a blast. We will be thinking of you. Great photo hopoates. Logan is chuffed that you liked the shirts so much too!! Take care.
M and Stu-109-maker.

At 9:09 AM, Blogger Frankie. said...

All I can say is Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


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