Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Now into Bulgaria

After having a couple more days wandering around Budapest (did we mention what a nice city it is?) we caught our flight back to Bulgaria, which in itself was fun, for the first time we had to check in our luggage, just before we started queuing (loosely termed) a call come over the P.A. 'paging a Mr. Adam Yacoumis, can you please come to the ticket counter' not bad in Hungarian. Adam then got ushered away back through customs and into a little dingy room, where he had to wait for an air Marshall to be present. He was then informed that they believed that he may be carrying some sort of illegal device in his luggage (What the?), he was then read the riot act, in Hungarian, at least that was what it sounded like. He then had to open up his luggage, the so called bomb thing turned out to be our phone and camera chargers, phew! Thank goodness because we didn't remember packing a bomb. He was then allowed back through customs and onto the flight. We also got a chance to give Ryan a call for his 8th birthday it was great talking to him and the others, sounds like he had a great birthday.
We spent a day in Sofia which was still raining and apparently had been constantly for about a week. It was a pleasant town, fairly modern but with loads of churches to duck into out of the rain and to have a look around. There is however a limit to how many churches can be tolerated in one day so after checking out the amusing changing of the guard ceremony and the archeological museum we spent the evening chilling out and booking our flights to the UK.
We have set the date for the 3rd of November and are flying Bulgaria air to Gatwick airport which should be interesting. Kinda scary thinking we are going to be job hunting and paying through the nose in England soon.
Photos: Guards at the Presidency, Hot springs in the middle of Sophia.


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