Tuesday, October 24, 2006


The time had come to meet up with Stuart, Melanie and Kebab in Budapest and boy were we excited waiting for them to rock up at the hotel we had all booked months earlier. They had made T-shirts up with the Rocktober details as gifts which was totally awesome.
On the first night we had a tops time with Adam and Stuart making up for the last 2 months of not catching up for drinks once a week which resulted in Adam being pretty useless on the sightseeing the next day. (Bloody Palinka!)
Despite Adam's temporary illness we spent four days walking around Budapest, the markets, bridges and old town as well as making a day trip out to Godollo palace with the guys, catching up on each others trips and having a few drinks.
The Friday night before Stuart and Melanie left was loads of fun, with an asianesc dinner followed by drinks and then a few more drinks in the form of some very tasty cocktails, listening to a Russell Crowe look alike playing the guitar.
Four days passed VERY quickly and it was strange to see Stuart and Melanie off on Saturday morning. Time just flew by, it was great fun and really weird to catch up with people you know on the other side of the world.
Photos: Rocktober uniform (cheers Logan), The Rocktober team, Eva and Melanie horsing around, View of Parliament from Buda, Stairway to nowhere (Random stairway in Stuart and Melanie's room), Eva practising for the UK, Paprika!!!!!!


At 1:01 AM, Blogger PeaDog said...

Hey guys! Great updates. Great to hear you're both happy and well.
We had such an awesome time with you both and we are really missing you now. How surreal it all was, it's only now, as we have had some quiet time (which has been fairly scarce in the past 4 weeks) since returning home, that specific events and experiences are starting to sink in. Rocktober will certainly stay with us for a long time to come. Thanks to you both for everything. Miss you both heaps.

At 3:11 AM, Blogger Nana Gabe said...

You did not say much about rocktober. Was it good?


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