Thursday, February 28, 2008

It's a small world

Ha ha, the Glaswegian who punched the fireball terrorist at the airport just walked in to the pub. Never stand between a Scot and his holiday!


At 9:16 PM, Blogger Nana Gabe said...

how did you guys know it was he? Did he look like the sort of person that would do that?What was the story? I didn't hear about anyone punching the bomber.

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Adam and Eva said...

He was on the TV a couple of nights before. From what I understand he stopped the terrorist who was on fire either running away or running into the airport by punching and kicking him. Classic Glasgow. He spent a good hour talking Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter to someone at the bar.

At 4:00 PM, Blogger Adam and Eva said...

He was on the TV a couple of nights before. From what I understand he stopped the terrorist who was on fire either running away or running into the airport by punching and kicking him. Classic Glasgow. He spent a good hour talking Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter to someone at the bar.


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